Beneficial for muscles, nerves, lymph, joints, bones…

Beneficial for muscles, nerves, lymph, joints, bones...

Thai massage needs specialists who know both the art of this particular type of massage and the anatomy of the body so that each movement can safely provide the desired results. Thai massage, without the use of any product, exerts pressure, massage, large and small movements to “exercise” the recipient, train him and relax him at the same time, to help him/her breathe properly, to improve body’s flexibility , stretch muscles and find a new body positions. However, Thai massage is something more than this. It helps us improve our attitude towards exercise and life. It is a “demanding” type of massage where both the therapist and the recipient participate. Massage Joy’s therapists, who know the Thai technique, passionately support this type of massage, which improves blood circulation and lymph flow, achieving joint flexibility and bones’ strengthening.

Contact us: 6978115555

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